Shopping Information

What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We deliver via a trusthworthy local courier service company in order to ensure your product is handed over to you safely.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Local orders will be delivered within 1-3 days. Preorders will take between 7-15 days.

Do You Ship Internationally?

Yes, Time Vault ships internationally, but the delivery time and additional charges such as duty and taxes may vary according to the delivery destination. Please contact us via Instagram or at info@timevault.lk for more details on International delivery.

Payment Information

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

-Cash on delivery (only within Colombo city limits)
-Credit or debit card (inclusive of 2.5% Bank charges)
-Online bank transfer or bank deposit

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

This is an important question and our priority at Time Vault is to ensure the privacy of our customers and safety of payment.
First and foremost, we highly recommend you to have a strong password for the site.
In addition, Time Vault takes full responsibility of your package after the order is made until it reaches your doorstep.

Orders and Returns

How do I return a product?

Returns may be initiated within 7 working days of receiving your product. Please contact us on Instagram or send us an email at sales@timevault.lk.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

Please email us at sales@timevault.lk or Dm us on our IG page.


What if I don’t like my product?

Our client’s satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. If for any reason, you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply initiate a return with us, in the same condition you received your product. After inspection of the returned product, to make sure it has the original packaging and accessories, we would be happy to either refund or give you credit towards your next purchase.

Terms and conditions.
  • Time Vault guarantees you the utmost quality and reputability
  • Our products are never worn, in original box with complete manuals
  • 1-3 years warranty on all watches. Watch functionality and battery.
  • All our watches have the original manufacturer’s serial number intact.